Saturday, February 9, 2008

Books and Baby

Families gather at libraries, sharing stories and the love the books.
I am so thrilled when caregivers bring their cameras to storytime, as it illustrates the importance of remembering the moment.

Check out this link to view an example of proud grandparents sharing the love of the library.

Succeeding and Success

Oh, improving myself is always something I am a bit slack about doing - as I am always so busy just trying to complete all the things that I want to do. Haha! So, I think I've just made the point that I am a lifelong learner, but I would still like to focus more.
So homework assignment #1 from the
"7 1/2 lifelong learning habits" accessed from =

The hardest step for me is to begin with the end in mind. I really believe this is about goal-setting. In order to appreciate myself more for my successes I need to see them as successes - and in order to do that I need to write them down, because then I can cross them off one day.

The easiest step for me is having the confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I know I can do just about anything but I'm not going to go anywhere if I don't plan my route. :)

The funny thing is that I have been wanting to 'officially' set goals for myself so all in all this is a great excuse to do that.